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0118 958 8770

Wheels & Tyres

Your wheels and tyres are important to the safety and stability of your vehicle and are a critical part of the MOT test. We can advise you on the condition of your tyres and replace them as necessary.

Powder coating wheels

The wear and tear of regular driving can often leave wheels looking tired and damaged. Kerb bumps and scratches, chips from grit and stones and the general degradation caused by different weather conditions can all have an impact on the condition of your wheels.

Why is powder coating better than spray painting?

When it comes to alloy wheels, we believe powder coating is a superior technique than spray painting for a number of reasons. Powder coating is an alternative to conventional wet paint and involves coating an item with dry powder that is later heated and cured in an oven to produce a hard, durable and attractive finish.

If you are considering getting your alloy wheels completely refurbished, a powder coating, rather than a traditional paint and lacquer approach, is one of the options available to you.

Some wheels are prone to rotting and corrosion and there are a number of ways to treat this. Some companies ‘shot blast’ or ‘sand blast’ wheels to remove all the paint and corrosion. We find this is a harsh process and can leave pitting; therefore we now use the latest techniques which involve us removing all the paint and corrosion in an acid bath. You can have your wheels painted to the original colour or if you fancy a change we can mix any colour you like. If you have a specific colour you would like you can supply us with a paint code and we will match it.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements.